Be 1.33x more effective: Fight efficient and smarter, not harder!

Weapon: Sword & buckler
Source: I.33
During this workshop we will see different ways to save energy while fighting with sword and buckler I.33. We will go over body position in different situations, the use of the buckler (too often forgotten), upper body movements allowing us to place techniques more easily and giving us space to work our magic. We will also work on concepts like tempo and footwork, which will allow for better control in the overall fight.
Skill level of Participants: For this workshop anyone can join. However, I will ask that you already know basics of I.33, as I will not provide specific techniques, stances, or guards. The exercises will be more “free form”, but still in a controlled environment, to allow you to test what I am instructing.
Needed Equipment: one handed arming sword, buckler, mask, gloves
About the trainer – Marine Beaumel
Since I was a child, I have always wanted to practice the “real thing”, the real technics not the fights we saw in movies. I did not know HEMA existed until I cross the path of my former instructors, Anthony Menting, and Roland Fuhrmann. And so, I started HEMA with them 12 years ago with the I.33 sword and buckler and I have never stopped. My first club was the “Ost du Griffon Noir club” in Toulouse where I quickly became co‐instructor and soon after instructor in I.33. I then, moved to Finland about 10 years ago and co‐founded the Tampere HEMA club in Finland, where I stayed until the end of 2021.
I am a member of the Sword and Buckler family since 2014, which is a group based on sharing knowledge and experience, mostly about sword and buckler. Everyone is welcome to share.
In 2022 I became a member of the Board of directors of the FFAMHE (French federation of HEMA), as well as an executive board member of the IFHEMA (International federation of HEMA).
Over the years I had the chance to give several workshops internationally (Switzerland, Germany, Denmark, Netherlands, Finland, France). I also participated in organising seminars, tournaments, and other kind of event in Finland, as well as in France.
In 2019, I competed in the gala tournament of the European Games in Minsk with the French team, as a sword and buckler fighter and also took part in the public technical demonstration.
My main practice is I.33 sword and buckler, the 19th century French cane and boxing. But I also enjoy practicing dagger, messer, montante, longsword and wrestling. Lately I am especially interested in body mechanics and injury management in our practice.
Beside HEMA, I enjoy sports in general. I am a climber and a boxer too; I think they are great complementary practices to fencing and I have fun training and improving. I am also passionate about nature and so I became a plant scientist, or on the way at least 😊. So, if you want to talk about something else than HEMA, I’ll be happy to share about plants and science 😉.