Second only to the spear in its widespread use on the battlefield, the use of a cut‐and‐thrust polearm, usually with a hook and an overall length of ca. 240 cm has numerous applications for laceration, trapping and hooking.

Weapon: Billhook, Ronca, Guisarme, Pollaxe, Halberd etc.

Source: Marozzo

Second only to the spear in its widespread use on the battlefield, the use of a cut‐and‐thrust polearm, usually with a hook and an overall length of ca. 240 cm has numerous applications for laceration, trapping and hooking. Known for its versatility, this weapon type was the Swiss Army Knife of its time. In this workshop we will delve into the techniques and clues to its use and consider the origins of Marozzo’s methodology.

Skill level of Participants: Any skill level
Needed Equipment: A staff, ca. 180cm long, 30mm diameter. Or a halberd, billhook, poleaxe or similar.

About the trainer – Jay Maxwell

Jay Maxwell has been practising as a martial artist in Historic European Martial Arts (HEMA) since 2004. He regularly teaches at high profile international events and in his competitive years was one of the top ranked HEMA fencers in the world. Starting his training in British systems of swordsmanship, he quickly came into contact with the Italian schools and was taken by their elegance.
He has since worked extensively on interpreting the detailed systems of combat surviving in writing from the 15th‐16th c. Italian City States and the Holy Roman Empire. There is now a project underway to house his comprehensive collection on the subject in central London, facilitating a specialised research library that will offer access to the curated collection by appointment.

Today he is one of the very few full‐time professional HEMA instructors in the world, running a network of schools across the city of London. These have been the subject of national and international media, and his students regularly compete at the highest competitive level. His focus is primarily on the methodology of teaching and ensuring that the next generation of martial artists surpass him in every way.