Federschwert? Experts know, how much do you know about them? Come and test new replicas that bring us closer to the original swords.

Weapon: Federschwert

There are few remaining fencing swords designed for the practice and competition of longsword fencing (late 15th, early 16th century), the ones largely depicted in the fight books with a rounded tip, blunt edges and a pro‐eminent shield on the base of the blade. 4 of them are kept in the collections of Swiss museums. Since over 15 years, we’ve played around with replicas based on this design, custom‐made or mass‐produced. Based on new research on the original objects, we come up with new principles that brings us closer to the original mechanical behaviour of the remaining objects. New replicas will be available for testing in the context of a forthcoming study. Come learn about our discoveries and test them! A project with Cyrill Hamm, Julian Ronneberger, Daniel Jaquet and a bunch of Swiss scientists and museum professionals.