In the illustrated fencing books, the judgement of God is often depicted as a duel in court, typically with sword or baston and a special “stechschild” (a big pointed shield). The wooden barriers repeatedly drawn around two individual combatants – whether in armour or not – also refer to special, firmly regulated circumstances. The lecture is dedicated to South German court orders and other written sources that contribute to the understanding of the fencing books.
About the lecturer – Dr. Daniel Burger
Daniel Burger was born 1971 in Weißenburg in Bavaria and studied German and history at the Catholic University of Eichstätt, where he received his doctorate in 1999. 2000-2002 he was a research volunteer at the Germanisches Nationalmuseum in Nuremberg. 2003-2005 he attended the Bavarian School of Archives and has been an archivist since then, since 2009 at the State Archives in Nuremberg. He is a member of the HEMA club Schwertbund Nurmberg e.V. (long sword, knife, dagger, harnischfechten).