Lookinhmg at reconstructing mountey febcing requires us to look at what the horse should be doing, this in turn gives us insights in how medieval art was used to conveigh the techniques, this might help us decifer sources also when assessing art showing techniques on foot

Weapon: Powerpoint

Source: Jousting books, paulus kal, falkner, talhoffer, fiore, and others

Will show reconstructions of riding movements

Skill level of Participants: Any skill level
Needed Equipment: None

About the trainer – Arne Koets

Re-enactment fighting since 1997
Hema since 1998
HEMA instructor since 1999
Harnischfechten since 1999
Jousting since 2002
Roßfechten since 2003
Organiser of the Roßfechtensymposium since 2012 and the Harnischfechtensymposium since 2018